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Image by Greg Rakozy

“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” ― Carl Jung

What issues do you assist clients with?


I assist people with a range of challenges. Some of these are as follows: anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, relationship struggles, trauma, grief, work related stress, health concerns, addiction, and anger management. Contact me with questions about your current situation. 



What are the benefits of counselling?


We all can benefit from the services of a counsellor. To be human is to be in a perpetual state of growth as we navigate the challenges life presents us with. There is a quote attributed to Plato that states, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


There are many benefits of counselling, including an opportunity to explore one's thoughts, emotions, and actions, the development of new perspectives, feeling understood and less alone, improved coping abilities, improved overall health, increased self-awareness, enhanced relationships, greater emotional awareness, greater esteem, clarity of purpose, clearer goals, and the achievement of self-compassion.



Are there risks to counselling?


Counselling can be uncomfortable at times, as clients discuss painful events and feel distressing emotions. A client's issues may temporarily worsen for some time before things improve. Counselling may lead to life changes that can be uncomfortable as well. For example, a client may leave a relationship as an outcome of counselling. Others may not approve of personal changes that occur as a result of counselling. There is also a risk that the outcomes one is hoping for are not fully realized or take more time than expected. Rest assured, however, the scientific literature highlights the high success rates of therapy.



What can I expect while engaged in therapy?


During the first session, questions will be asked to get a sense of your current circumstances and goals. The therapist's role will be to walk alongside you in a natural process as you delve deeper into your own thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, and emotions. The therapist will take turns leading and following in the sessions. Various tasks will be undertaken and new skills will be learned. As counselling progresses, clients should begin to feel more self-compassion and achieve greater forward momentum in their lives.



Will our sessions be kept confidential?


Yes, it is an ethical responsibility for a therapist to ensure that client sessions are kept confidential. It is this confidentiality that allows clients the safety needed to express and explore whatever they wish to, knowing that the content will not be shared with any other party. That being said, there are a few limits to confidentiality. Therapists may need to break confidentiality when there is potential danger to the client or another person or if a court subpoena requires the release of information. These limits to confidentiality will be expressed in more detail during our first session.



How often & for how long should I attend counselling?


Most clients will attend counselling once per week until the goal, determined in the first session, has been realized. Some clients choose to attend every two weeks or once per month.


There are many variables that determine how long it may take to achieve the desired goal. Some clients will only need 5 to 10 sessions, while other may require 15 or more. Throughout the weeks, clients will be consulted about the progress of therapy.  



What if I'm uncomfortable sharing something?


Ultimately, the client is in control and will never be pushed to share anything they are uncomfortable with. Clients may be posed with a question or a task suggestion, but always have the right to opt out. Often, clients are reluctant to access painful feelings or memories in the first few counselling sessions, however, as a genuine, trusting, non-judgemental relationship is built, clients become more willing to share what they were not in a position to before. 



What is the counselling rate and method of payment?


It is $150 for a session (50 minutes). Cash, cheque, and e-transfer are accepted ways to pay. 



Will I get reimbursed by my insurance company?


Check with your insurance provider before our first session to ensure you are covered for counselling with an RCC (registered clinical counsellor). I am registered with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (Member 17544).



How do I book an appointment?


Call 778.846.7136 or send an email to to book an appointment. Please provide at least 48 hours notice if you intend to cancel or change your appointment.



Can I connect with you before booking an appointment?


Yes. I offer a free 15-minute telephone consultation prior to the first session. This will allow you to share your reasons for counselling, ask any questions you have, and determine if we are a good fit. 

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